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Смартфоны плотно вошли в нашу жизнь, и часто используются владельцами не только для выхода в интернет или в качестве телефона, но и как пульт для...
Daimler FleetBoard, европейский поставщик телематики для грузовиков, фургонов и автобусов, предлагает своим клиентам управление заказами и организацию в...
По итогам первого дня работы системы взимания платы «Платон» в федеральный дорожный фонд поступило 35 млн рублей, в качестве компенсации ущерба,...

Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)

transport operators

Transport Certification Australia (TCA) has reported a notable increase in the number of heavy vehicles that have become enrolled in the Intelligent Access Program (IAP) over the last 12 months.

“There are now over 3,330 vehicles enrolled in the IAP – an increase of 496 vehicles since August 2014,” said TCA chief executive officer Chris Koniditsiotis.

“Significantly, nearly two-thirds of this increase has occurred over the last six months, with an average of 51 additional vehicles being enrolled in the IAP each month since February 2015.


Navman Wireless (www.navmanwireless.com.au/) has launched a business intelligence solution, Adaptive Intelligence. Navman says this will help organisations manage and measure fleet expenditure, with an enhanced ability to leverage their own data for KPI-based decision making and insights into future trends. Every Adaptive Intelligence implementation is customised with a customer’s specific KPI, data integration requirements and user-specific needs.

Adaptive Intelligence is a cloud-based business-intelligence-as-a-service tool that has been designed specifically with enterprise fleet management and operations in mind. It includes a wide set of data, enabling businesses to easily analyse and act upon location-based fleet data and ensure fleets are operating efficiently, productively and safely.

“Traditional business intelligence solutions now have a way to capture data from the ‘plant and people’ part of the equation,” explains Matt Minor, director business intelligence at Navman Wireless. “Adaptive Intelligence enables the enterprise to further drill-down on data and draw informative insights by adapting to an organisations’ customisable needs and software solutions already in place.


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